and they are not kidding

Back in 1949 when the rest of Canada decided to join Newfoundland, (Well, maybe it was the other way around, but I just repeat what I am told) the Canadian government promised better infrastructure. Schools, hospitals, and roads. Ask any Newfoundlander, they will tell you that they are still waiting on the roads they were promised! If they could export pot holes, they would be rich! They have an infinite supply of all sizes: little irritations, big thud ones, and axle breakers as well. Put the relatively constant rain water on the roads and you never really know what size you hit until you hit it.

You cannot really photograph a pot hole, so here are some other shots that did not fit into any theme specifically. enjoy.

The gym, Newfoundland style. It works, BTW.
You see these piles everywhere, along the road sides. It seems that a permit to cut some wood is easy and cheap, and then you stack your pile somewhere maybe with others to fill in your personal stack at home as needed. This wood here is all from further south as the trees are too tiny here. It is all an honor system. Nothing is marked but they all know whose pile is whose.
Like the wood piles, you see these “gardens” often along the roads. Newfoundland has essentially little or no soil so the road construction (You do have to initially pave the road to eventually have the pot hole issues.) creates some usable soil to do a garden. Also like the wood piles, they are an honor system in that what is yours is yours and no one takes from the others.

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