This famous narrow gauge train trip was reduced to a short duration version due to the virus, but they made sure that it included the most scenic portion through the Animus river canyon.  This 138 year old train track remains the only access to this amazing canyon.  The company did a great job making it virus safe by limiting open cars that seated 60 to only 20 and all of us we masked the entire time. And no one complained or tried to unmask.

Heading up the Animas River canyon.
I ma no huge fan of kids, but loved this shot passing a 100+ year old box car. He is having a great time as kids do on trains. All properly attired with his mask and socially distancing.
Passing close by the Animas River spewing smoke all along the way.
Great view of the river far below.
Coming back to the station, a final view of the canyon and the old train.


    • I remember getting a scalp full of soot when I stuck my head out of the open railcar. I remember my trip as one of those rare “adventures” left in the lower 48. We went to Silverton, an adventure in itself, then we boarded the train and headed to Durango, where we got off the train halfway there and hiked up to Chicago basin. When we came out, we waited by the tracks until we heard the train chugging around a curve until it stiopped for us. We threw our packs into a boxcar and boarded a passenger car for Silverton again. Thanks for bringing ack those incredible memories, Dan.

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