This is the oldest city in North America, settled in 1528! Also the most easterly. For instance, the flights to Toronto are 3+ hours, but Dublin is only 4 1/2 hours the other way. It is far out in the North Atlantic. It does not have the climate of San Francisco, but it sure …

I stole this marketing line from the Fogo Island Inn, one of the most exclusive and dramatic hotels anywhere. It seems that, when the cod fishing was shut down in 1991 plunging the island into deep economic depression, one family packed up everything, burned their boat and moved away. Well, a daughter ended up …

Twillingate is one of the historical centers of fishing and sealing on Newfoundland. One of the many places to go to see icebergs and whales in each of their seasons. Some of the shots below show a coastal scenery as good as anywhere in the world I think. What do you think?

Seeing this was a key reason to come here in June. The icebergs split off of Greenland and float south for thousands of miles. The “migration” takes a few years is at its best each year along Newfoundland, and particularly at the far north of the island. So, I had two nights in Quirpon …

Back in 1949 when the rest of Canada decided to join Newfoundland, (Well, maybe it was the other way around, but I just repeat what I am told) the Canadian government promised better infrastructure. Schools, hospitals, and roads. Ask any Newfoundlander, they will tell you that they are still waiting on the roads they …

At the very end of the road, as far north as you can drive in Newfoundland lies L’Anse aux Meadows, the tiny fishing village and the site of a Viking settlement from 1000 years ago. (500 years before Columbus.) If you are my age, you did not know about this growing up. The site …

Ok all of you wine, whiskey, scotch, and port snobs. This place has really got one over you. Look at this beautiful blue beer bottle. Made with 20,000 year old iceberg water! And it is quite good beer. Might have been better at 15,000 years, but still nice.

At the risk of exposing my stupidity and/or losing all remaining readers, I will do a very brief, reasonably factual story here that explains why, as Price Edwards said in dedicating the UNESCO world heritage site here at Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland is for geology as the Galapagos are for biology. The case …

When I laid this trip out, the main reason for the entire trip was Newfoundland. I wanted to experience the remoteness, the beauty, and most of all the floating icebergs that travel south on “Iceberg Alley.” Whether I succeeded with the icebergs will come later. For now, here are some initial impressions

This is a highlight of any trip to Nova Scotia. The island of Cape Breton pushes far north into the Atlantic with wild headlands and remote wilderness traversed by a spectacular scenic drive, the Cabot Trail. I will let the scenery speak for itself. After this, I am off to Newfoundland!