A simple occurrence everywhere in the world, right?   3-6’ between low and high, maybe a little more? Well, at Parrsboro, NS, in the Bay of Fundy, they have the highest tides in the world.  How high is that you say?  Well today, on a mild summer day at the weakest point of the monthly …

Yes, they were originally from the area of what is now Nova Scotia.  I spent one night in Annapolis Royal, very close to the center of their settlement area where they first arrived in 1605!  Their history is long, complicated and very sad with the British trying to expel all of them in the …

Leaving Halifax for the southern Atlantic coast I came across many picturesque towns hugging the rugged shore.  Tough weather but sort of seemed appropriate for the setting. The weather has led to various shipwrecks and other disasters over the years. Two are noted below, as well as of course, the Titanic which happened near …

I began my trip to the Maritime Provinces of Canada here in Halifax.  Turns out that they define the area as Atlantic Canada. So, that is what we will call this trip and it’s blogs. The city was founded in 1750 and has been an important port city ever since.  Strategically situated in an …