Iceberg Alley!

Seeing this was a key reason to come here in June. The icebergs split off of Greenland and float south for thousands of miles. The “migration” takes a few years is at its best each year along Newfoundland, and particularly at the far north of the island. So, I had two nights in Quirpon to experience this. I arrived in dense fog which was mostly there all of the next day, cancelling our boat trip twice that day. Down to the last morning before I had to drive back south. I should have known it was going to be special when the B&B owner and lifelong resident and published photographer went along………. He knew what was out there!

My first sighting. The shore gives it perspective even though it is still quite distant. Wow!
Maybe 150′ high at this point? Grounded in 200′ of water. I knew this trip was really special when the boat owner, with 50+ years of this was taking tons of photos as well as the B&B owner/photographer.
Another view with the lighthouse in the far distance.
150′ up, over 200 ‘ below, grounded.
Looks like a chunk in about to break off lower right? Where is the Iceberg brewery boat?
Flying Saucer like. This is the second of the 3 we will visit.
Temporary home for sea gulls
I shot this to give perspective. These people paid big money to be crowded together. The 3 of us paid $50 each for 2 hours with a veteran fisherman of 50+ years and his little skiff. Which did cease working along the way well off shore. Worried, well, yes. But he got the old boat running again fortunately! Swimming in water slightly above freezing was not a pleasant thought!
Quirpon Island lighthouse, most northerly in Newfoundland.
Off Quirpon Island June 16, 2019. Great angle on giant iceberg #3.
This helps convey the little old boat and how cold the water is with ice floating all around. It is heavy and glass like. Thousands of years old.

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