Mexico, finally!

Well, finally Dan got to Mexico.  Why I did not before is a mystery to me now that I have seen it.  Tim suggested that I start in Oaxaca, which lies south of Mexico City about 1:30 hours by plane.  The mountainous area is populated with a number of different indigenous groups and each has a long and significant history of artistic skills. The town layout itself dates from 1529 is eminently walkable with many superior restaurants serving the traditional Oaxacan moles as well as very forward fusions of these historical foods with new twists. 

Oaxaca seems to be an ongoing center of political opinion and struggles to improve the situation for workers.  I soon learned what the translated term “blocks” meant.  Somehow the people protesting commandeer buses and such and use them to block key intersections to promote their cause.  How they take over city buses is not clear to me, but everything seems peaceful and sort of just part of daily life here.  Not ideal if you want to get from point A to point B but they are so cool with it, it is hard to get upset.

Guides and drivers are super good and inexpensive and allow you to get out into the countryside to see the sights and the best crafts.  And, you all know I love to shop, so I was very happy here!

Elegant Oaxacan building.
Shadows in the courtyard of Tempolo de Santo Domingo

Inside one of countless cathedrals, looking up I saw these figures mounted on the ceiling of the entry way.
Street art, Oaxaca. This was in a neighborhood with many examples of this type of art, all quite well done.
More street art.
Street art on the exterior of a Dr. Ruiz’ house.
Local giants walking, maybe to dinner? There were always unusual sightings in Oaxaca.
A future retailer for sure! Poinsettia shop in a neighborhood small park. He was so bored!

2 Comments on “Mexico, finally!”

  1. So beautiful Dan! Being the bird lover that I am, I really loved the bird and bird nest art. Keep snapping these and telling your story. I am teaching people how to live and travel big through Danwilltravel! Have a beautiful Christmas!

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