
When I laid this trip out, the main reason for the entire trip was Newfoundland. I wanted to experience the remoteness, the beauty, and most of all the floating icebergs that travel south on “Iceberg Alley.” Whether I succeeded with the icebergs will come later. For now, here are some initial impressions

After 6 1/2 hours on a great ferry, this is the first thing I saw. Port aux Basques. Immediately one notices the lack of trees and the more somber paint colors. And to think the Basques from Spain fished right here 500 years ago!
Made it! This is definitely a remote place, but google Newfoundland and Labrador and look at the province’s web site. Has to be one of the best tourist web sites anywhere! It will make you want to come too.

View from a lonely country road southern Newfoundland.
Any fans of American Pickers? Well, the guys should drop by here when they are in the area. LOL. I cannot begin to describe how remote this was. And why anyone would go to all of this bother for essentially no one to see it.
Pretty typical Newfoundland scene. Water, rain, and bogs.
Yes, it is cold, raining heavily and windy. Pretty permanent condition here I think.

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