
Twillingate is one of the historical centers of fishing and sealing on Newfoundland. One of the many places to go to see icebergs and whales in each of their seasons.

Some of the shots below show a coastal scenery as good as anywhere in the world I think. What do you think?

I got lucky. Such perfect light and a perfect setting.
A village overlook, Twillingate area
A random iceberg stranded in some cove
Another special setting. Note the sea gull also enjoying the view!
Another iceberg just sitting there.
What a nice setting for sitting by a fire!
Third random ice berg that day all from land viewpoints. Not huge like before, but special as they just sort of appear when you are not expecting to see one.
Twilligate dock. Not sure what he caught but he sure has a lot of “friends” there to help.
Pink homestead, Twilligate. Looks totally lived in today, not a B&B or whatever.
Fishing on a nice afternoon

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