Why Newfoundland geology is Important

At the risk of exposing my stupidity and/or losing all remaining readers, I will do a very brief, reasonably factual story here that explains why, as Price Edwards said in dedicating the UNESCO world heritage site here at Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland is for geology as the Galapagos are for biology. The case for tectonic plates was really made here. When the fossils of eastern Newfoundland (NFLD) related to Spain and Africa and the fossils of western NFLD related to North America, there had to be a reason. Throw in one of the most bizarre places on the planet (the tablelands) where the rock literally from the earth’s deep interior mantle was thrust onto the surface and you have one of the best cases for the tectonic plate theory that is now fully accepted. But this really dates only back 50 years or so. It turns out that NFLD was part of the ancient super continent which broke apart and then this area reconnected again. OK, I will quit with all of this, but it really is quite something what they were able to put together from what was learned at Gros Morne National Park here.

Distant view of the tablelands. Even from a distance, it is clear that this is not a normal formation. Unusual shapes, and colors.
The tablelands. One of the more bizarre places on the planet. Although this rock from the earth’s mantle is similar to typical rock in how it is made up, the chemicals are in different proportions making plants essentially unable to grow on it.
Weird very yellow rock. I guess this is a view of what rock normally far below us inside the earth might look like?
Lovely town of Norris Point where I stayed in the park

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