La Palma, the beautiful Island, truly is just that.  It measures only about 16 miles by 35 miles, yet reaches 8,000′ in elevation with many other peaks nearly a mile high.  By some official mathematical computation (L x W x H) it is considered the most mountainous island in the world.  (Hey, I am just the messenger here.)  It is the most westerly of the archipelago, pretty much out by itself in the North Atlantic. This allows it to get far more precipitation than the other islands giving it greenery and even valid rain forests.  And amazing cloud movements every day from the eastern coast up the mountainsides into the giant caldera in the center and the dissipating to the west.  It is sparsely populated and the chief driver of the economy is not tourism but bananas!

Santa Cruz de La Palma is the main town and easy to use as a base for the entire island due to its small size.


Approaching Santa Cruz from the north


Santa Cruz waterfront


Nice Canarian historic architecture.


The view from my balcony.


What a wonderful balcony! Natural but with some holiday thrown in.


The main square. the building we are looking at is from the early 1700’s. Christmas is a big deal here!


Loved this display. the female mannequins have poinsettia heads.


Yes, this large tree is decorated.  Those are balls about 5″ in decameter all over the tree.  Not lit, so only good in the day time.



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